Amáda and I continue the electrical rough-in for the basement. Inspection is in just 2 days, so we have to hurry.

I finish the bathroom junction boxes and wiring from the back side.
My dad volunteers to help me run a new gas line for a future gas range in the kitchen. Bending a single soft copper pipe around corners and between floors without kinking it is harder than it looks!
Amáda had the idea to add 3 lights to the stair well. She wanted them centered over stair treads, and spaced evenly along the wall. As luck would have it, one of those light junction boxes landed right on a stud. I had to cut out the stud and do some custom framing. It was a real pain, but it will look nice on the other side.
To a flipper, drywall is the first step. They just want to hide the problems that are inside the walls. But we’ve done years of preparation, with patience, permits, and inspections. Drywall is one of the last steps, and it is so satisfying to know that we’ve done everything to code and with craftsmanship. It’s also pretty fun that mold-resistant drywall is purple!
The drywall crew went so fast that they did the entire basement in two days. Because they were reckless, they destroyed a light switch and a smoke detector. I’ll be subtracting those costs from their fee. Everything else looks pretty good.