We purchased the bathroom vanity over a year ago. We’ve been waiting for the walls and floors to be finished so we can install it. Today was the day! Amáda and I carried in the cabinet and top. Later I connected the sink drains, new faucets, and installed the backsplash.
Month: March 2019
Painting continues.
Amáda moves on to painting one of the bedrooms. Meanwhile, I customize a door for the hallway linen closet.
Trim, trim, and more trim.
I measure and cut trim for every room in the basement. I’m keeping the saw and its mess in the garage. This means I have to measure the wall, climb the stairs, put on my shoes and coat, put on my PPE, measure and cut the trim in the cold garage, dust myself off, take off my PPE, take off my coat and shoes, descend the stairs, test fit the piece, label the back side, and repeat. This process is going to take several days.
Meanwhile, Amáda has made great progress with the painting. She has finished one bedroom and moved on to the other.
Know why these posts haven’t had any photos in a while?
Today I accidentally dropped my phone in the hardware store parking lot. Someone picked it up and took it to another city. It’s gone, and so are all of the photos I had stored on it over the last 4 months.